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Amy Duncan

Member, Jeremiah Castille Foundation Board of Directors

Amy Duncan is the first the first board member allowed to serve Jeremiah Castille Foundation while residing outside the state of Alabama.  Amy and her husband Steve have been married since 1996 and live with their two children Isabelle and Zeke in Canton, GA. Amy and Steve met in 1993 at the University of Alabama where Amy obtained her bachelor’s degree in Public Relations.  While at the University of Alabama, Amy served as creative director for the Uvote 2004 campaign, an outreach to young unregistered voters. After graduation, Amy worked for Crawford Broadcasting in Birmingham, Ala. as a creative writer.  Crawford Broadcasting is a privately-owned radio station that has a rich history as the pioneer in Christian Broadcasting. Amy coordinated radio promotions and lined up many on air interviews with several influential people such as, Senator Trent Lott and Fox News Contributor and former Clinton aid, Dick Morris to name a few. She was also responsible for interviews with sport figures like Charles Barkley. During the gubernatorial election, Amy organized a voter registration campaign, registering hundreds of Alabamians to vote, some for the first time.

Amy is currently employed with her family business, Dos Santos International in Marietta, GA, as the marketing manager.  Dos Santos International is a materials handling and engineering firm, specializing in the flag ship conveyor system, the DSI Sandwich belt high angle conveyor.  Amy manages domestic and international representatives, writes press releases on current industry news and promotes the company at trade shows and industry related events.  She organized the company’s ISO 9001 certification and trains new employees on company standards and procedures. Amy is fluent in Portuguese and proficient in Spanish. She continues to travel around the world and interact with various cultures.  Excelling journalistically, she has published announcements world-wide.

Amy co-founded Roll 4 Mikey in 2012 after the death of Mikey Crossley.  Mikey passed from a rare, DIPG brain tumor that currently has a 100% mortality rate.  The fund was created to further impact others through the life of Michael James “Mikey” Crossley’s passion for life, donate funds to Child Brain Cancer research, support families who have lost children to terminal illness and support families coping with children who have terminal illnesses.  The mission of Roll 4 Mikey is to “change the odds” and raise awareness of this rare and deadly cancer.

Involvement:  Joined the foundation in 2008, became board member 2011.  Amy serves JCF through marketing, promotions and assisting with event coordination.  Amy’s favorite part of the ministry is the summer Character Camps. Being able to offer such a quality and inspirational football camp to the youth of these communities has been so rewarding.  It’s been a blessing to not only participate in the camps, but to watch it grow and hear the testimonies of the children who remain impacted by the camp and carry that into their daily lives years later.

Areas of Ministry:  Co-founder of Roll 4 Mikey in 2012.  The fund was created to further impact others through the life of Michael James “Mikey” Crossley’s passion for life, donate funds to Child Brain Cancer research, support families who have lost children to terminal illness and support families coping with children who have terminal illnesses.  Mikey passed away in September 2012 from a rare, DIPG brain tumor that currently has a 100% mortality rate. The mission of Roll For Mikey is to “change the odds” and raise awareness for this rare and deadly cancer.

Support team for “The Walk Across America”.  Assisted in housing and raising funds for Mr. Thomas Hudson, a disabled veteran who walked across America to bring awareness to the American people about the abuses and neglect of our veterans.  His mission was to honor them and to deliver the message to Congress.

Education:  Associate of Arts, Shelton State Community College, Tuscaloosa, Ala., 1999  Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Information Sciences, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala., 2004.

Previous Lines of Work:  Promotions is my passion.  Unofficially, I created promotional events during my time at Crawford Broadcasting in Birmingham, Ala., while officially, I was a creative writer, writing radio ads and maintaining relationships with my clients.  I had the opportunity to meet several famous people, including politicians and sports celebrities. Incidentally, one of my meetings is what brought me to JCF.

One of the Things I Find Most Fascinating:  Children fascinate me.  To watch a child develop, learn and discover new things is amazing.  To see their faces light up when they see a train, or fireworks or a television character in real life.  To be able to show children how to do something on their own and watch that glow of independence come over their faces.  This is where our development begins and helps to start the footprint of our lives.


Book:  A Pirate Looks At Forty by Jimmy Buffett

Food:  Greek (don’t tell my Portuguese mom because her cooking is to die for)

Movie: Forrest Gump

Song:  Morning Has Broken – Cat Stevens

Time of Day: Noon.  It’s when the whole world is buzzing.

Season: Football 😍

Place in the World: The beach

Place to Pray: The shower (I know weird)

Recreational Activities/Hobbies: I’m not recreational at all but I guess working in my yard would qualify right?  My hobby/therapy is painting canvas’.

Scripture:  Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God?  Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ. ~ Galatians 1:10

Sports Team:  Alabama Crimson Tide

Sport to play:  Soccer…the other football.

Sport to watch:  Football…is there really any other sport out there?


Birthday:  January 26, 1974 (Coach Bryant died on this day.  Yes, I was always meant to be a Bama fan)

Nickname:  Amy Dos, Mama Dunc, Amy baby, Dos

Where were you born?  Ithaca, New York

Where do you live now?  White/Canton/Atlanta, Georgia.  Yeah, figure that one out.

Best Thing Someone Said to You:  Take care of yourself; otherwise you can’t take care of anyone else.

Life Motto: Be good, do well and make me proud.

Three People I’d Like to Meet:  The Pope, George W. Bush and Jimmy Buffett

My Heroes: US Soldiers

One of My Greatest Experiences with God: When I heard the first cry out of each of my children upon their birth.

Most People Don’t Know This About Me: I’m first generation born in the United States to Portuguese immigrants and am fluent in Portuguese.  Also, I am terrified of latex balloons.

Amy Duncan
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