Dear Chaplain Castille and family:
We so enjoyed hearing your message of love at Chapel in the Pines on Sunday, August 15, 2010. We turned and looked at one another halfway into your sermon, knowing how very much to the heart of our matter you were speaking! We are currently between churches and decided to just get out on the lake that day. We had heard about the church and it just did not seem right not to be there. We are so glad that we did! You spoke encouragement and how that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Tons of the enemy’s crass weight came off us both and we feel healed and rejuvenated to continue in our search for our true church home.
Thank you so much for what you do in Birmingham and beyond and we are praying for God to continue to reveal himself mightily in your lives.
Blessings to you and yours always, in Jesus’ name,
Dr. Rodger and Vicki Morrison Troy University Montgomery, Alabama